Our Services

Achieving a beautiful smile and your long-term oral health are our top priorities. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the friendly, personalized, quality dental care that you deserve.

At Margaret C. Garcia DDS, we offer a comprehensive list of general, restorative and cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of your entire family. Some of the services we provide include:

Periodontal Therapy and Maintenance

A person can get periodontal disease which is exhibited by bleeding and inflamed gums, bad breath, recession, and ultimately loose teeth. Our highly skilled hygienists help to correct and prevent the disease through early prevention so our clients can preserve their teeth and smile for years to come. When indicated clients may be referred to a gum specialist.

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White Fillings

White Fillings are made from an enamel-like product. The compromised areas of the tooth are removed such as decay. The clean tooth is prepared for the bonding of the white filling. The results are natural.


Dental sealants, also known as pit and fissure sealants, are a thin clear coating made of plastic and other dental materials that are placed on the tooth surface to prevent cavities. It's like an added level of tooth enamel to keep your teeth safe.


People choose esthetic dental procedures for various reasons, however, the ultimate goal is to restore a beautiful smile. Exquisite natural aesthetics are achieved with veneer restorations, most often used to close spaces, replace worn enamel, repair broken or chipped teeth, reshape crooked or misaligned teeth, and cover permanently stained or discolored teeth, treat an injury, or just improve their overall appearance. Our porcelain veneers appear as natural teeth, totally invisible. The semi-translucent veneer can be made to match the light-transmitting properties of natural teeth, and being metal-free, eliminates the hated “black” marginal line found around many traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges can be made from porcelain or gold. A crown may be recommended when there is not enough tooth structure to hold a filling. A bridge may be recommended to replace a missing tooth.


Dental implants are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. It’s a positive option for those who have healthy gums and who don't have significant bone loss.

Night guards

Night Guards are used if a client has worn teeth from clenching or grinding. It helps to cushion the forces so teeth are not grinding in each other.


Orthotics are removeable appliances worn after a TMD work-up and an optimized bite is found. They help to alleviate symptoms associated with TMD.


Invisalign® is at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry technology. Unlike the more traditional braces or retainers, Invisalign is a virtually invisible method of straightening your teeth.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are one of the most wonderful advances in dental technology. The clarity and size of the images enhances clinical diagnosis of dental problems, images are available for immediate viewing, and the amount of radiation is significantly reduced compared to traditional x-rays technology.


When an unbalanced relationship exists between the teeth and jaw joints the muscles must strain so the teeth fit together. This can lead to varying degrees of symptoms such as cervical neck pain, headaches, facial discomfort, clicking of joints, limited opening or closing. Using advanced techniques in neuromuscular training such as K7 and TENS, we can help find an optimized position to help alleviate these symptoms.